Acrobat Plugin Problems

Due to the recent security enhancements of Adobe Acrobat and the new versions for 64–bit Windows and Apple Silicon Macs, you may experience some issues with running Imposition Wizard from Acrobat. Here you will find solutions to all the known issues at the moment.

Note: the problem is fixed in the latest version of Imposition Wizard. Please update your copy if you still have any issues listed below.

If you are not ready to try the beta version just yet, you can use the hints below or use Imposition Wizard in the standalone mode which works just fine on both platforms.

Apple Silicon Macs

Although Imposition Wizard has a native version for Apple Silicon, the Acrobat plugin is still Intel–based and may not work with the native version of Acrobat. Fortunately, there is an option in Acrobat settings that fixes this:

Fixing Adobe Acrobat plugin on Apple Silicon

Open the Acrobat Preferences and select General item on the left. Then look at the bottom and uncheck both boxes in the Application Startup section at the bottom. Then restart Acrobat and you should be able to use Imposition Wizard straight away.

64–bit Acrobat on Windows

If you installed the 64–bit version of Acrobat on Windows, you will not see the plugin in the menu even if you installed it properly.

Although Imposition Wizard itself is a 64–bit application, the Acrobat plugin is still 32–bit for compatibility reasons. Unfortunately, there is no way you can use the plugin with 64–bit version of Acrobat until we release the updated version.

Consider switching back to the 32–bit version of Adobe Acrobat or using Imposition Wizard in standalone mode until we release the update.

You can download the 32–bit Acrobat here

Imposition Wizard Doesn’t Start from Acrobat

Adobe has recently updated the Windows version of Acrobat to become more secure and this affects Imposition Wizard.

If you see the Imposition item in the Acrobat menu, but nothing happens when you click Impose, or something quickly blinks and disappears, you need to adjust the Acrobat security settings.

Open the Acrobat settings and navigate to the Security (Enhanced) section:

Fixing Adobe Acrobat plugin on Windows

Once there, make sure the Enable Protected Mode at startup (Preview) option is disabled and the Protected View option is set to Off. You will need to restart Acrobat in order to activate these settings.

Note that this may affect your system security, so if it matters consider using the standalone version of Imposition Wizard until we address this problem.

More Imposition Wizard Tutorials




Imposition Parameters

Registration Marks



Command Line