Step and Repeat Imposition Layout

This layout repeats the same page across the sheet and is widely used for business cards printing. You can select it using the Layout drop–down list at the Layout tab:

Step and Repeat layout in Imposition Wizard

You see the first page is placed across the first sheet, the second page — across the second and so on. That’s exactly how you would layout business cards for printing.

All the options you can configure for this layout are displayed on the right.

Page Gaps

At the very top of the page, there are two parameters configuring the gaps between the pages.

Configuring gaps between pages

For more complex gaps see page gaps tutorial.

Grid Dimensions

You can specify the grid size manually or let Imposition Wizard to decide. In automatic mode the software takes the sheet margins and grid copies into account and computes the optimal grid size to fill the sheet.

Here we use the manual mode, let’s try changing the columns number:

Changing the number of columns in the step and repeat layout

Here we changed from 8-up to 4 up by setting the number of columns to 1. Let’s now switch to the automatic mode to fit as many pages as possible:

Automatic step and repeat layout in Imposition Wizard

Hint: right–click the sheet to get the number of pages and slots there.

Number of Copies

By default each page is copied to fill the grid. For automatic grids this means “to fill the sheet”.

You might want to change that and there is an option to do so. Turn the Override number of pages option on to customize the number of copies.

Changing the number of copies of each page

You can now change the Number of copies field the way you need:

Setting the number of copies to 2

Hint: setting the number of copies to 1 effectively makes N–Up layout. You can also use this option if you need to duplicate pages in N–Up layout.

Flipping Rules

You can flip pages using the Flipping rules parameter that goes next. This can also be used with the page rotation option (see below).

Read more about flipping rules here

Pages Rotation

Next comes the Rotate pages 90° option which does exactly what it says:

Rotating pages 90 degrees

This option rotates the source pages 90 degrees clockwise. You can rotate them the opposite way using the flipping rules mentioned above:

Rotating pages counter-clockwise

Finally, if you simply need to flip the pages upside down: turn the 90° rotation off and use the flipping rules option.

Grid Copies

The Multiple copies section is the last one in the Layout panel. It lets you place several copies of the grid on the sheet.

Read more about grid copies here

More Imposition Wizard Tutorials




Imposition Parameters

Registration Marks


Command Line
