Registration Marks

The right most panel in Imposition Wizard lets you add registration marks and custom texts to the output document:

Registration marks panel in Imposition Wizard

The top part is the list of currently added marks, the bottom part contains the parameters of the selected list item.

You can temporary hide marks by removing the checks in the list. You can add more marks by using the plus button.

Mark Types

Imposition Wizard support multiple types of marks: angle marks, barcodes, bull eyes, color bars, crop marks, custom texts, start targets, trim lines and so on. Each mark has its own settings and you can read more about them using the links at the bottom of this page.

Some of the marks: bull eye, star target, and color bars are based on PDF files from special folders and you can add your own images to the list. To do so, click File → Useful Folders in the menu and select the folder you need or use the “Open folder” links at the bottom of the marks’ panels. Then put a new PDF file there and restart Imposition Wizard.

More Imposition Wizard Tutorials




Imposition Parameters

Registration Marks


Command Line
