
Imposition Wizard 3.4.2

18 May 2023

After some beta testing and collecting the feedback we are happy to announce the first public release of Imposition Wizard 3.4. Keep reading for the list of new features if you haven’t tried the beta version yet…

Dutch Cut Layout

This is a long–requested feature and it is finally here! Now you can save on fitting more pages onto the sheet. The layout is quite flexible, so you can use it in Step and Repeat, N-Up modes and everything in–between.

Dutch Cut Layout in Imposition Wizard

Read more about Dutch Cut layout…

Flipping Pages

Another new feature lets you flip pages in most layouts by providing a flipping pattern. Now you can configure Step and Repeat or N-Up layouts with some rows or columns flipped easily.

Read more about the new flipping option…


The update adds two automation options to Imposition Wizard: hot folders and batch processing. Hot Folders mode lets you configure a number of folders so Imposition Wizard monitors them for new files and impose them using the selected preset. The batch processing mode lets you quickly process a number of PDF files using the same preset.

We used to offer some batch scripting for both tasks, now this can be done with just a few mouse clicks!

Read more about hot folders and batch processing.

Filtering Presets

Finally, the presets panel got a filtering option. Simply start typing when the panel is opened and the list will shrink down to what you type. This lets you quickly locate the preset you need.

Getting the Update

Use the links below to download the latest version of Imposition Wizard for your operating system: