
Imposition Wizard for Acrobat and Easy Flatplan

29 Sep 2013

Two good news in one day! We have finally released beta versions of Imposition Wizard for Acrobat and Easy Flatplan. You are very welcome to give them a try and save a lot during the beta period.

Imposition Wizard for Acrobat

Since the very first days of Imposition Wizard you asked about two things: Windows version and better PDF support.

Old Imposition Wizard runs on Mac OS X only and uses OS X PDFKit engine. PDFKit works pretty much OK for most cases, but fails when it comes to custom colors or effects like shadows and transparency.

Finally, and worst of all, it is not available on Windows.

Why Acrobat?

So we decided that the next version of Imposition Wizard will use Adobe Acrobat as PDF engine. It works on both platforms and supports most of the effects you may need.

That’s why the new Imposition Wizard is now a plugin for Adobe Acrobat. We support Acrobat 9 and higher on both Windows and Mac OS X platforms.

Keeping the best

While switching to the new engine we did ours best to keep the simplicity that makes Imosition Wizard for Mac such an outstanding product. We firmly believe that imposition process is difficult enough to add more pain with the software.

Imposition Wizard has dead simple user interface where you can easily configure almost everything you need. As its predecessor, it features live preview, so you immediately see what you get.

How it works

You open the document in Acrobat, run Imposition Wizard from menu, setup the layout with live preview and simply click “Generate” to get your imposed document in the new Acrobat window. It’s that simple. Finally, layout can be saved as a preset, so you can use it later easily.

Still beta

Imposition Wizard for Acrobat is in beta. This means it may have issues, but it is already stable enough for production usage. Early adopters will be happy to know that the price is significantly reduced for the beta period, as we provide a good discount for the risk you take by trying the beta.

Please visit Imposition Wizard for Acrobat page for more details.

Easy Flatplan

This is another gem in our collection that allows you to make magazine flatplans easily. Compared to most of the competitors it works offline, so your data is only yours (which is really important nowadays, you know). Easy Flatpan is a desktop application, not a subscription-based, so you pay just once and then use it as long as you need.

Keep it simple

The second key feature is the same simple user interface, as in Imposition Wizard. You don’t need a degree to use the application, simply point and click or drag and drop. It’s like your social network or word processor!


Easy Flatplan is currently available for Windows only, but we’re going to release a Mac version soon. We provide the same good discount during the beta period and hope to get some useful feedback from you.

Please visit Easy Flatplan page to know more about the application.


Ask your local publishing/prepress software reseller about our products. We’re going to publish a list of resellers soon, but for now you may simply contact your supplier in case if they already sell our software.


Thanks for all your feedback, ideas and support that made these two releases possible. You’re awesome!